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常问问题 Frequently Asked Questions

  • 关于覆盖范围 About coverage area
    We cover most of the major areas in West Malaysia and delivery service is not available to East Malaysia.

  • 关于运输包装 About parcel packaging

    Every Mooncake Gift Set will be wrapped with bubble wrap and place into a carton box. 

  • 订单截止时间 Order Cut Off Time
    -  在1:00 PM前收到的订单通常将会安排隔天工作日送出。
    - For orders received before 1:00 PM, orders will usually be shipped the following working day.

    -  在1:00 PM后收到的订单通常将会安排隔两(2)天工作日送出。
    - For orders received after 1:00 PM, orders will usually be shipped the next two (2) working days.

    * 星期四 1:00 PM后收到的订单通常将会安排在下个星期一送出。
    * For orders that are received after 1:00 PM on Thursday, delivery will be made on the following Monday.

    * 如果您的送货日期是在马来西亚公共假期,订单将在下一个工作日送达。
    * If your delivery date falls on Malaysian Public Holiday, the order will be delivered the following business day.

  • 大约多少天后可以收到订单?When can i expect my order?
    订单发货后需要 3-5 个工作日才能送达。 Delivery will take 3-5 business days after the order has shipped.

  • 运费是多少?How much is the shipping fee?
    指定西马地区将征收一盒月饼礼盒 RM3运费。

    Selected West Malaysia area: RM3 shipping fee per mooncake gift set 

  • 如何储存我的月饼?How to store my Mooncakes?
    Keep Mooncake at room temperature. Do not store Mooncake in the refrigerator. Do not expose Mooncake to sunlight, heat or moisture of any form.

  • 如果我的地址是在西马地区,但是显示无法配送,怎么办? What if my address is within West Malaysia but system showing "out of shipping zone"?
    Please e-mail us your destination postcode and we will get back to you ASAP.